Monday, April 4, 2011

30 project mission

I'm 30. Actually 30 1/2. If I say it enough times maybe I will start to feel 30. The truth is that I feel like I am 16. Definitely can drive, date, and work, but where did these 3 kids come from and why do they insist on calling me "mama"? Weird! Any how, in honor of my 30's I am going to complete 30 projects during the year I am 30. The rules are as follows: Whatever I decide will be the rules (I am a grown up after all).I am trying to make things I have never made before, but some are repeats. I will show my progress on here. Since I am half way through the year I might already be behind. It depends on if I will count the multiple of creations as 1 project or well multiple. I might just wait until I am 30 and 51/52 before I decide that rule. Feel free to comment or not. And I will try to post where the ideas came from, because I typically am an idea do-er... not thinker. Happy crafting to all!!

1 comment:

  1. alright! i'm so excited to see the fun things you come up with! maybe it will inspire me to be crafty. maybe.
