Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Clip Frames #10

I am always looking for ways to keep things put away. Especially if the kids can do it for themselves. I made these frames today for hair clips to call home. I bought the frames at a garage sale for 25 cents each. Quick coat of paint that I had already then I distressed it with some sandpaper. I then used random ribbon I had left over from various projects. I think they will be cute hanging on the wall. Pretty good for a 50 cent investment!

I saw this idea at a boutique my friend Elyse was having. She doesn't sell them (although she should) but she made one to show off some flowers she DOES sell. Here is a link to her blog if you want to check it out.
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Crayon Rolls #9

I had forgotten about these crayon rolls I made a few months ago. I had bought a bunch of fabric for another project which hasn't happened yet so I already had the coordinating fabrics. If you look closely you will see that the elastic closure is actually a hair tie. I looked at several sites to pick the way I wanted to make these, but I am not sure if I ever landed on one or borrowed ideas from several sites. I know most of the sites made them for 16 crayons. I had bought 24 packs during back to school time so I extended them a bit. We love a functional finished project!!

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Friday, April 15, 2011

Baby Curtains #8

Part of the excitement in preparing for a new baby is putting together the nursery. I am lucky enough to have been invited to help with that for my a fore mentioned nephew coming this summer. These will be the curtains for his room. He actually has 2 windows in his room so I made 4 panels. There has been quite the ordeal with fabric purchasing (mostly my own brain power to actually remember how much of what to buy). Also Joanns ran out of the stripes. Not in the plan. I had to go to another store to buy all their fabric too. Then I still had to piece it a little bit. I hope it won't be too noticeable when they are hung. I think they turned out cute, and although he won't even notice it is important for him to have a cute room!

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My brand new sewing machine. I finally broke down and bought a new machine...well 1/2 of a machine. I am time-sharing it with my mom. I am SUPER excited about all the fancy new features. I even did my first blind hem. Oooooooo......Ahhhhhhh! So far I am in love. And will have no excuse not to finish these 30 projects!
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Technical Difficulties

I guess my pictures have not been loading. I have reloaded the pictures, but can't get rid of the broken links too. It is very strange. But the bright side is that it is like looking at the blog for the very first time...again.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Hair Flowers #7

I recently made these flowers that I found from this blog.
This might be a spoiler for some people's Christmas presents. I made these from felt. These have been fun to make. I have made the majority of these about an hour before church starts when I realize I don't have bows or anything for hair. Cheap, Easy and fun to make. It's a win win win!

Burp Cloths #6

I had some use-able scraps after I made the rag quilt. (Due to my mis-calculation I had some flannel left over. Math and I are becoming reaquainted after a long break) I decided to make some burp cloths again for previously mentioned nephew on his way. (All I have been hearing is "why are you making him so much stuff. Shouldn't you be making stuff for your OWN kids. Out of the mouths of babes!) A little ribbon and cloth diapers and here you go.

I LOVE rag quilts!!! #5

This was another project for the nephew coming in June. I have a wonderful rag quilt my friend Melisa made when I had my first. It is the perfect size and thickness. I decided to make one for the munchkin. It was a little hard picking boy prints at first, but I found these. The best part of a rag quilt? Easy Easy Easy and you don't have to be perfect it hides so much. I think all the rest of my quilt projects will be rag quilts. This puppy was done in 90 minutes start to finish! Well 2 hours if you count washing time!

Baby Quilt #4

My sister is expecting a little boy mid June. I have been making him all kinds of crap... I mean really great stuff that no baby or mom could do without! This is his quilt. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. This is the reason not to ask my husband what he thinks of any given project. Mine looks at this and says something like, "Wow... it looks like you spent a lot of time on that." Um What?!? How about "look how awesome the fabrics coordinate? Or "what a lucky little boy to have an aunt as cool as you?" Nope. He thinks it's "too busy" with "too many colors" and something about "That will look great in Jennie's house". I should take my own advice and just stop showing him stuff! Oh well. I DO love it and think it turned out awesome! It is the Toad in the Puddle pattern in some kind of Moda collection (the guy at the quilt store picked it out. Always trust the man who works at a quilt store... Always! ;) )

And backing... (out of cheapness I used what fabric I had left but really love the pieced back)

Woodworking?? #3

I tried my hand at a little wood working. Well, wood gluing. I saw something similar to this at my friend's house. She had bought one at a craft store about little boys. It was super cute, but the board was routed, painted, distressed, and the words were stenciled. I thought I could throw something together. It is just a stained board with molding glued to the edges and vinyl stuck on. I kinda love it though. I already had the pictures of the girls so it is nice to have an added piece. Thank you Becca for your Cricut and Lisa for the help making everything straight and even. I have to appreciate people who are precise. It is something I sometimes shortcut. Also thank you Sandy for stealing a piece right off your wall.

Shirt to skirt #2

I posted this my other blog so skip it if it is a repeat, but it is going to count toward the grand total! I had a shirt that I had for years. Probably 3 years and 2 kids ago. It finally ripped. I was going to toss it but since I had been stalking...errr reading craft blogs lately I decided to try to make it into a little skirt. It was a little thin so I added a liner. The best part? Free Free Free. The liner material was "donated"... (a friend was cleaning out storage at the office and someone had stashed bolts and bolts of fabric. He brought it over the night before my 3rd was born. I finally unpacked it to find a gold mine) then of course "free-cycling" an old shirt. Yay!

Before... missing a tie and ripped in the sleeve...
After... perfectly usable skirt. Very little effort.

Christmas 2010 #1

For Christmas I made this quilt. Well I made 5 of this quilt pattern. I made the top for the one, then though "oh that was easy I will make a few more for gifts!" HA! Then of course we had a broken arm, and it turned into 11th hour Christmas. BUT all were done in time and was a nice 1st (or 1-6) project since I turned 30. This is also my first applique quilt.

30 project mission

I'm 30. Actually 30 1/2. If I say it enough times maybe I will start to feel 30. The truth is that I feel like I am 16. Definitely can drive, date, and work, but where did these 3 kids come from and why do they insist on calling me "mama"? Weird! Any how, in honor of my 30's I am going to complete 30 projects during the year I am 30. The rules are as follows: Whatever I decide will be the rules (I am a grown up after all).I am trying to make things I have never made before, but some are repeats. I will show my progress on here. Since I am half way through the year I might already be behind. It depends on if I will count the multiple of creations as 1 project or well multiple. I might just wait until I am 30 and 51/52 before I decide that rule. Feel free to comment or not. And I will try to post where the ideas came from, because I typically am an idea do-er... not thinker. Happy crafting to all!!