Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Receiving Blankets #12

I made some receiving blankets for my sister's baby that is coming because I was appalled, APPALLED, at the price of simple flannel receiving blankets in the store. The ones they sell aren't big enough anyway, and either I am super cheap (which I know I am) or people aren't aware how much they mark those puppies up. Any who... stepping off the soap box now, this was my first serging project. I borrowed a serger from my friend and then beat the darn thing into submission. Those sergers are "annoyingly fickle" as someone told me. I finally got it threaded and tensioned properly with new needles and it worked like a dream. I was afraid to call victory until they were all finished, but I am calling it now. VICTORY! Time to ship these off because we are less than 2 weeks from the due date. Oh please baby don't be late!!!
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Sunday, May 15, 2011

I Spy #11

These super cute and easy I spy bags come in at number #11 on the project count. Very fast and fun. The kids loved them at church today. I know I will be making more. So many ideas... so little time.
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