Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Skirts Skirts everywhere!!#27

Probably because it is hotter than... well you know...I decided to make a couple skirts for myself and for the girls. Probably close to 2 years ago my friend Melisa gave me this skirt, unfinished of course. She has a habit of giving me unfinished project. It just needed a hem and a waist band. It has sat in my to-do pile for 2 years. I finally pulled it out and finished it. I have gotten more compliments than I deserve probably, but everyone loves the fabric.

Because the above skirt went together so well I decided I needed another one. So I pulled out some fabric. (Out of the same batch that was given to me the night before baby #3 was born. So again it was FREE!!! LOVE that!) I laid the above skirt on the fabric and kinda cut out around it. I serged and hemmed and whah-la! New skirt. This last skirt I made on the fly with fabric I fully intended on using for myself. I didn't buy enough to make a skirt for me, but I probably have enough for the girls to each have one. I have only made one so far. Pardon the weird crease on the bottom, I was too lazy to iron today. It has already been worn and washed once, so I guess that is a good sign.

It's kind of fun and feminine to wear skirts just out and about. And it beats wearing jeans in 115+ degree weather. Seriously were is fall?

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